i was walking down a main busy street in the new college where i had just started my new faculty position. i was happy as it was the first week of orientation. that day i was wearing my huipil, when suddenly i hear the voice of a boy yell, go back to Mexico, bitch! i turned around to see who had yelled but i didn't see anyone. are you okay someone asked
no, im not okay, i feel bien encabronada
but i also just stood there
taking it all in
maybe i feel numb to the words
that have followed me for generations
go back to where? you don't belong here
change your dress
change your vocabulary
change who you are
if you wish to be accepted
sense of belonging are words that echo through my head
build community and establish relationships
we are told
in this institution, in this territory. do i belong?
are we ready to see change
to accept difference
i honor my ancestors
i am reminded that phrases like
Go back to Mexico, bitch
proves that my existence
is our resistance
